When I first
opened my studio
we all worked like mad men
(and women) in order to build up our client base. We marketed
every minute we weren’t training and
it paid off
Now my issue
wasn’t with doing enough sessions per month, but rather keeping that number
. So besides creating systems for keeping clients coming in and
I needed to make sure that
when my CPTs took time off that my session numbers didn’t drop by 30-40
sessions for the week.
It’s not tragic if you’re doing 1,000 sessions a month, but
back then I only had 2 other CPTs on my team
so if one person left for the week
that represented 33% of the sessions
If you think about it, pretty much every month someone’s going
to be taking some time off even if you rotate who takes time off. This is why I
created a back up plan that insured we never dropped by more than 15 sessions
per week when someone took a vacation. The first thing I had to do was act as the role
model for my plan.
I wasn’t practicing what I preached no one would, right?
So what I did
was let all my clients know that I was going to make sure
didn’t miss there sessions
for the week I was away by setting them up with one of the other fitness
professionals on my team.
Did you see how I phrased that? It looks like I am doing THEM a favor…
Which I am in making certain they stay on track with their
workouts, accountability, etc.
But of course it also ensures I don’t drop off in sessions.
Basically, I frame my conversation with them as though it’s a
done deal and I’ve already set them up with another CPT on my team.
And when I’m away if my clients are training with another CPT
I’m still making about 40%
of that session income… for sitting around and lying on the
beach (life is tough).
So like I
said you have to do it first so that you show your CPTs
this is how we do things around here
. After that they will follow
your lead as long as you let them know that everyone needs to get coverage for
their clients when they are going away in order to make sure their clients stay
on track to reaching their goals. I’ve
found that about 80% of your clients will train with someone else
as long as it’s only temporary. For the ones that don’t you just
give them a program to do on their own. Plus, I explain to all my clients ( and your CPTs should do the
) that
the fitness pro covering for you is going to take you through the exact program
that you wrote up for them – and that you will be reviewing their program with
the CPT before you leave. This usually puts them at ease.
Okay, so now that we have tat part of the equation settled let’s
review what you other fitness pros on your team must do in order to get their
sessions covered.
Here is the email I send to my CPT at least one week before they
are leaving (feel free to copy it):1.Email Template to
Send to Your CPT
<Begin Email>
I know you are about to head out on vacation after next week, so
I wanted to make sure that on Monday you could write out your schedule and
leave it for all the other team members, as well as myself to look at and see
who we can cover in our schedules.
It’s also important to do this at least 1 week in advance in
case we need to move clients around slightly and so that you can confirm with
all of your clients before you leave for vacation.
Here are the 9 items that we will need beginning on Monday:·STEP 1: Write out your schedule and leave it in office on file
cabinet·STEP 2: Email CPTs letting them know your schedule is there and
if they can initial the times they can cover·STEP 3: Ask CPTs if they have any other time open that a client
may be able to fit into·STEP 4: Email clients seeing if other times may work (referring
to studio team member openings)·STEP 5: Send email to client (cc’ing) studio CPT they will be
working with confirming times for next week and leaving contact information in
email·STEP 6: Leave workouts in office for CPTs to go over·STEP 7: Review workouts with CPTs·STEP 8: Leave your client session record sheet for others to
fill in the dates of completed sessions·STEP 9: Leave client contact information (email, phone number)
in case one of us needs to get in touch with them about times, etc.
Also, we always try to get everyone of our clients in for at
least 1 session while we are away… Sometimes that may mean moving clients
around in other spots so that one client doesn’t get to train 3x that week
while another client doesn’t fit in anywhere.
All of these steps allows for a smooth transition with your
clients (it’s also nice to introduce them to other CPT when they’re in studio
together) when you’re away on vacation.
Thanks for taking care of this before you leave and let me know
if you have any questions!
<End Email>
Also, here is an exact email one of my CPTs sent to their
clients before they left (copy it and use it as a template):2.Email Template to
Send to Clients
<begin email>
Hi Matt,
You’re doing an outstanding job with the training - Keep
up the great work!
As you know, I’ll be away next week. John will be training you
so that we keep momentum and continue to make strides toward your fitness and
health goals.
I have you scheduled to come in at these times:
Monday: 6:30am
Wednesday: 7:15am
If for any reason you need to contact him, his email is
john@XXXX.com and his number is 617-XXX-XXXX.
Have a wonderful weekend! I look forward to continuing our
work together when I return.
Your Partner in Health,
Stephen Cabral Studio
<end email>
Great email, right? And
what the CPT who is going
away does is “cc” the other CPT covering for them
with that email so that everyone has each other’s contact
It may seem confusing at first, but once you use the system once
you’ll master it. Believe me, I like to keep things simple in my business and
this is as easy breezy as it gets.
now here’s how to get all
your CPTs to buy into this coverage system, because it’s a great system to use
but it only works if you implement it into your fitness business.
The first thing I do
is let all my CPTs know right from the beginning that this
studio or fitness business is about clients first. It’s not about egos, or
feeling that you’re the only fitness pro in the word who can train your
clients. Even if that is the case, another CPT can take your clients through
the program you wrote for them for a week.
So, step one is letting everyone know this is how your business
does business. Next
, let your team know that when you go away it is great for all
the others on the team to be able to pick up some additional sessions to make a
little extra income and fill any holes in their schedule. And of course when
someone else goes away you’ll be able to pick up sessions as well. What
goes around, comes around.
If your team needs to cover 30 sessions and there are only 2
people left to cover those sessions when 1 person is away then that means those
2 CPTs are going to add an extra 15 sessions to their schedule for the week. Of
course it may not work evenly like that, but
either way that’s some serious additional income for those
I do it on a first come first serve basis in terms of covering
sessions, or I give them to a new CPT if they are trying to ramp up their
sessions. I think that is only fair…
That’s pretty much the sum of how I roll
when a fitness pro on my team is going away for more than 2
days. If they’re just going away for a day they typically just reschedule their
clients to another day.
However, there are time when a client just wants to get in an
extra session and I don’t have room that week so I do refer that session out to
another CPT. Remember I’m still making a % of that session!
The other great thing, of course, is that when you have other
CPTs covering the sessions for the trainer you have away your total sessions
for that week don’t dip and
you keep your monthly
income consistent because it doesn’t matter who is training the sessions as
long as they are getting completed.
This is why
I never vary more than 10%
a month
in my total sessions
I hope you enjoyed this post and if you’re not at the point yet
where you have CPTs on your team it may be time to grow your business by just
adding one other fitness professional that you can hand new clients to, as well
as cover your sessions while you’re on vacation or at seminars
so that you can make money while you’re away from your business.
always let me know if there’s anything else I can help out with!
times I like to go back into these S3 Member Posts and add some private
perspective on how I run my fitness business that I think may be helpful to
you. Feel free to read my “Epilogue” below about this post:)
As you can see that with all of my Smart Studio Systems
I keep things simple, direct, and to the point
My team appreciates that I don’t make them do anything that I
don’t do myself and even if some of the steps seem tedious
it keeps everyone on the same page.
I also have
to say that most CPTs don’t like anyone else training their clients because
they either feel that
no one could possibly train
them as well as they could
, OR that they fear losing them to another trainer. Those are
really the only 2 main reasons.
At our studio
there is none of that
I explain to everyone that the CPT covering their session will
only be taking them through the exercises you wrote out on their workout sheet.
I also explain that when you go away it gives the other CPTs the
ability to pick up more sessions and fills up their schedules to an even
greater degree if they have clients out on vacation, etc. Then I point out when
another team member is away
you’ll also have that same
ability to add another few sessions that week to your paycheck…
all about good karma.
you need to lead by example
I have
shared this with anyone, but
I took off the entire month
of March, most of July, and I’m taking off the entire month of
November this year for a new degree/study program that I am involved in and I
will be outside of the US. During
this time my clients will be training with another CPT (or multiple CPTs on my
This CPT will be taking them through programs that I have
already previously created and I can keep in touch with my clients through
On a side note,
when I went away in each these previous months
we have had near record high months in terms of sales and
sessions completed
. Of course, some of this does have to do with my fitness
manager now being able to run things on a daily and weekly basis, but for the
most part my business is completely run through the systems I am teaching you
right here in the Smart Studio Systems.I can honestly say this is true
since I hadn’t hired a fitness manager for over 4 years of owning
my studio
and I’ve always taken off at least 1 week per quarter (typically
6 weeks per year).
Anyway, I thought you may like to hear the inner workings of how
by developing the right team and systems you can actually walk away from your
business if you choose to. I, however, love training clients and won’t be
giving that up, but I
do love taking time off and
still getting paid
. Who
Let me know if you have any questions on the client coverage
action steps and feel free to implement these 9 steps into your business the
next time you or a team member are away!