More on that in a moment, let’s
first get into the entire hiring process:
I’ve outlined all the steps below
that you should follow for success: Step 1:
Know exactly who and what you are
looking for. Full-time, part-time, fill-in, bootcamp instructor, etc Step 2:
Choose the CPTs start date – I
hire 30 days out from their official start. This gives me 2 weeks to hire and
the CPT gets to give their 2 weeks notice to their current work place. I also
want 1 week to train each new CPT (although, my training only takes about 3
hours on 2 different days…) Step 3:
Let your other CPTs know that you
are hiring and tell them why… and why they shouldn’t worry that it will take
leads away from them! (this is too often overlooked and if you do this step
your current CPTs will be happier with you rather then seeing a new face walk
through the door unexpectedly…) Step 4:
Place and ad on
for FREE (although my city now charges $25.00). There’s simply no need to pay
for an ad in a local paper, etc. I typically get over 50 APPLICANTS with just
my one ad running. It’s really a fantastic advertisement if I do say so myself
; )
It did take me about 3-4 tries to get it right.
Feel free to edit it to make it
your own! Here’s my CL AD to HIRE NEW CPTS:
CPT Ad for Craigslist
Step 5:
Make sure to use a “blind email
address” so that CPT candidates don’t email or call your studio – it wastes
your time and your staffs. I also have the resumes (CV’s) and cover
letters sent to my assistants so that he/she can go through them and weed them
out by using my specific criteria listed in the advertisement. Step 6:
Email back the 6-10 people you
like most and set up a time that week to conduct a PHONE INTERVIEW.
There’s NO need to invite anyone in yet and waste your time (I”M big on
guarding my time since I have so little of it free). If a candidate can speak
articulately on the phone and carry themselves professionally then you can
invite them in. Remember, “speaking intelligently and professionally” is a HUGE
part of our jobs. Step 7:
Invite 5-6 people in for an
in-person interview. Ask them a pre-set list of questions about their
background, training experience, knowledge of working with specific clients,
who they most enjoy working with, why they’re leaving their current job, what
they can offer, how they work on a team, etc. Then ask them to take you through
or design a quick program on the fly for client “x.” Tell them the contraindications
for that client and that client’s goals. See if they’re quick on their feet on
not… Step 8:
Make notes on each candidate and
let each one know that you will be contacting them with 3 days to give them an
answer or request for a 2nd interview. Step 9:
I only do a 2nd interview with
the person I am looking to hire. All I’m basically doing is giving them
additional details about the position, the pay, the hours, etc and making sure
they don’t blow it… at the end of the interview I offer them the position and
ask for an answer right then. If they need to think about it, I will give them
until the following evening.
Step 10: After they accept I
email everyone else back who I did an in-person interview with and let them
know that although they were great at this time I have decided to go with
someone else and that I will keep their resume on file if a position should
open up in the future.
WOW, that was a lot… but it’s all
there! NOW for the BIG KEY to hiring:
After I make sure everyone has
one of the top certifications and credentials I need a way of filtering people
out. I used to hire the smartest person who interviewed for the job, but that
ended up being a huge mistake… I quickly found out a lot of guys with Master’s
degrees ended up not being able to relate to or connect with their clients. Therefore, they
were quickly without any clients!
Not exactly good for business, so
I sat back and assessed who my best CPTs were and also the people in the
industry with the best track record for client retention…
What I found out was that
education was 2nd since clients didn’t know one ABC certification from the next
NSCA one…
realized the #1 trainers for
the ones with the most ENERGETIC, CARING, and OUTGOING personalities.
Clients really latched on to these CPTs genuineness and developed real
friendships with these fitness pros.
In the end it’s all about
getting clients results AND developing lasting
clients can’t wait to come back and meet with your every week EVEN AFTER
So, my advice is to hire on
personality after you’ve already sorted through anyone who isn’t qualified –
don’t base your hiring decision solely on education like I used to… you’ll
have way too much turnover and you won’t be doing anyone any favors in the end!